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    Mixed Quant Questions for SSC CGL Exams-Latest

    Q1. Find the average of first 50 Odd numbers?

    (a) 51(b) 50(c) 46(d) 49

    Q2. The average of the five consecutive odd numbers is k. If the next three odd numbers are added then the new average will exceed the old average by–

    (a) 2(b) 3(c) 4(d) 5

    Q3. The average temperature from Monday to Wednesday is 40°C while the average temperature from Tuesday to Thursday is 37°C. The temperature of Thursday is 4/5 times to that of Monday. Find the temperature of Thursday?

    (a) 36°C(b) 33°C(c) 37°C(d) 34°C

    Q4. Out of given 5 numbers, the average of first four is 30 and of the last four is 28. What will be the difference between the first and the last number?

    (a) 8(b) 2(c) 3(d) 1

    Q5. The average of 10 numbers is 7. If each number is multiplied by 12, then the average of the new set of numbers will be

    (a) 7(b) 19(c) 82(d) 84

    S5. Ans.(d)

    Sol. New average = 7 × 12 = 84

    Q6. In a class, the average of boys and girls is A. The ratio of boys and girls is 4:1. If the average of the marks obtained by boys is A + 1 then find the average of marks obtained by girls?

    (a) A+3(b) A+1(c) A+2(d) A–4

    Q7. In an exam, the average was found to be 50 marks. After deducting computational errors the marks of the 100 candidates had to be changed from 90 to 60 each and the average came down to 45 marks. The total number of candidates who took the exam were

    (a) 300(b) 600(c) 200(d) 150

    Q8. The average of the marks obtained in mathematics by 5 students is 50. Later it was realised that the marks obtained by one students was read as 82 though it was originally 28. Find the correct average.

    (a) 39.2(b) 75.3(c) 65.4(d) 47.4

    Q9. Sachin Tendulkar has a certain batting average N (a whole number) in his career of 86 innings. In the 87th inning, he gets out after scoring 270 runs which increases his batting average by a whole number. The batting average is calculated by dividing the total number of runs scored by the total number of innings played by the player. How many values of his new average is/are possible?

    (a) 0(b) 1(c) 2(d) None of these

    Q10. In a school there are two sections for class X – section A and B. The number of students in section A and section B are 60 and 70 respectively and their respective average weight is 35 kg and 38 kg. If one of the students from section A is shifted to section B then the average weight of both the sections decreases. What can be said about the weight of that student?

    (a) His weight is less than 35 kg(b) His weight is more than 38 kg(c) His weight is more than 35 kg and less than 38 kg(d) Cannot be determined

    Q11. From a 3 : 5 solution of milk and water, 20% is taken out and replaced by milk. How many times should this process be done to make the ratio of milk to water as 17 : 8?

    (a) Once(b) Twice(c) Thrice(d) Four times

    Q12. A milkman dilutes 36 litres of pure milk with water. The percentage of milk in the solution is now 75%. How many litres of water did he add?

    (a) 6 litres(b) 8 litres(c) 12 litres(d) 16 litres

    Q13. The average weight of the students in four sections A, B, C and D is 60 kg. The average weights of the students of A, B, C and D individually are 45 kg, 50 kg, 72 kg and 80 kg respectively. If the average weight of the students of section A and B together is 48 kg and that of the students of B and C together is 60 kg, what is the ratio of the number of students in sections A and D?

    (a) 4 : 3(b) 3 : 2(c) 8 : 5(d) 12 : 7

    Q14. The average weight of A, B and C is x kg. A and C lose y kg each after dieting and B gains y/2 kg. After this their average weight decreases by 1 kg. Find y.

    (a) 1 kg(b) 2 kg(c) 3 kg(d) Cannot be determined

    Q15. The average age of 2/3rd of the class is 17. What should be the average the age of the remaining 1/3rd students so that the average age of the entire class is 20?

    (a) 21(b) 22(c) 24(d) 26

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