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    Revision worksheet mcq’s Sentence correction verbal ability 2 PEV107

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    1. If the books have been cataloged last week, why haven’t
      they been placed on the shelf?
      A. have been cataloged
      B. would have been cataloged
      C. was cataloged
      D. were cataloged
      E. had been cataloged
    2. Jessica Mitford wrote The American Way of Death, a bestselling book, that led eventually to an official investigation of
      the funeral industry.
      A. that led eventually
      B. that had led eventually
      C. that eventually led
      D. which led eventually
      E. who eventually led
    3. Sabotage came from the French saboter, which means“to
      clatter with wooden shoes (sabots).”
      A. which means “ to
      B. which means, “ to
      C. that means “to
      D. that means- “to
      E. that means, “to
    4. In studying an assignment it is wise to read it over quickly
      at first, than see the major points, and finally outline the
      A. first, than
      B. first: then
      C. first-then
      D. first, then
      E. first-than
    5. To judge the Tidy City contest, we picked an uninterested
      A. picked an uninterested party.
      B. picked an interested party!
      C. picked a disinterested party.
      D. are in the process of picking an uninterested party.
      E. picked an disinterested party.
    6. Linda decides they had better scram before the killers find
      A. had better scram
      B. had better leave
      C. should hurry and scram
      D. could hurry and leave
      E. had better get out
    7. I really dug the character of Brutus.
      A. dug
      B. thought about
      C. thought of
      D. admired
      E. gazed at
    8. Once upon a point a time, a small person named Little Red
      Riding Hood initated plans for the preparation, delivery and
      transportation of foodstuffs to her Grandmother.
      A. and transportation of foodstuffs to her Grandmother.
      B. and transportation of food stuffs to her Grandmother.
      C. and transportation of food supplies to her Grandmother.
      D. and transportation of foodstuffs to her grandmother.
      E. and, transportation of food supplies to her grand mother.
    9. The setting of a story effects the story’s plot.
      A. effects the story’s plot
      B. effects the stories plot
      C. affect the story’s plot
      D. affects the story’s plot
      E. affects the story’s plots
    10. Arctic trees are scrubbiest than trees in milder climates.
      A. scrubbiest than trees
      B. scrubbier then trees
      C. scrubbiest than are trees
      D. scrubbier than are trees
      E. scrubbier than trees
    11. Quebec rises in a magnificent way above the St. Lawrence
      A. rises in a magnificent way above
      B. rises in a magnificent way, way above
      C. rises magnificently above
      D. rises magnificently way above
      E. is raised in a magnificent way above
    12. Someone gives the school gerbils every year.
      A. Someone gives the school gerbils
      B. Some one gives the school gerbils
      C. Some one gives the School gerbils
      D. There is a person that gives the school gerbils
      E. An individual gave gerbils
    13. During colonial days, a school room looked rather empty.
      A. colonial days, a school room looked
      B. colonial days, a schoolroom looked
      C. colonial days; a schoolroom looked
      D. colonial days; a school room looked
      E. colonial days- a schoolroom looked
    14. The helium- filled balloon rose in the air.
      A. rose in the air.
      B. was rising in the air.
      C. was in the air.
      D. rose into the air.
      E. would rise in the air.
    15. If I had the address, I would have delivered the package
      A. had the address,
      B. had the address;
      C. had the addressD. had had the address;
      E. had had the address,
    16. Do you know that these gloves have lay on the bureau all
      A. have lay on
      B. have laid on
      C. would lie on
      D. had laid on
      E. have lain on
    17. If I would have known about the team tryouts, I would
      have signed up for them.
      A. would have known
      B. would had known
      C. could of known
      D. had been told
      E. could have been told
    18. If he would have revised his first draft, he would have
      received a better grade.
      A. would have revised
      B. had revised
      C. could of revised
      D. had of revised
      E. would revise
    19. Valarie claims that cats made the best pets.
      A. made the best pets.
      B. could be the best pets.
      C. are the best pets.
      D. make of the best pets
      E. make the best pets.
    20. By next month Ms. Jones will be Mayor of Tallahassee for
      two years.
      A. will be Mayor of Tallahassee
      B. will have been Mayor of Tallahassee
      C. will be mayor of Tallahassee
      D. will have been mayor of Tallahassee
      E. could have been mayor of Tallahassee
      Unit 2
      Q1. Which words carry little meaning but make a sentence
      grammatically correct?
    21. Content words
      2 structure words
      3 Punctuation
      4 none of the above
      Q2. how many consonant sounds are in English language ?
      1 20
      2 12
      3 24
      4 10
      Q3. “The Change of pitch of voice ” is called
      1 stress
      2 Rhythm
      3 Pause
      4 Intonation
      Q4. How many syllables does the following word PARCEL
      1 2
      2 6
      3 3
      4 4
      Q5 . How many syllables does the word ECSTASY contain?
      1 3
      2 2
      3 7
      4 5
      Q6. Q. How many syllables are in following word ?
      1 3
      2 4
      3 2
      4 1
      Q7. .How many syllables does the word CHOCOLATE
      1 3
      2 4
      3 5
      4 6
      Q8. How many syllables does the word AWKWARD
      1 3
      2 2
      3 6
      4 4
      Q9. 1. Which word has the first syllable stressed?
      Q10. Which word has the first syllable stressed?
      Q11. In English, the placement of stress in 2-syllable words is
      most often defined by what?
      A.The prefix of that word
      B.Whether the word is a noun, adjective, or verb
      C.The placement of the accent mark
      D.Whether the word root is Latin or Germani
      Q12. Which syllable is usually stressed in British
      a. today
      b. today
      Q13.Which syllable is usually stressed in British English?
      a. yesterday
      b. yesterday
      c. yesterday
      Q14.Which syllable is usually stressed in British English?
      a. tomorrow
      b. tomorrow
      c. tomorrow
      Q15.Which syllable is usually stressed in British English?
      a. holiday
      b. holiday
      c. holiday
      Q16. Which of sentences below shows the rise- fall
      A.It can be true
      B.Red, yellow, green and blue
      C.It won’t hurt
      D.All of them
      Q17- 22
    22. I didn’t say we should kill him.
    23. I didn’t say we should kill him.
    24. I didn’t say we should kill him.
    25. I didn’t say we should kill him.
    26. I didn’t say we should kill him.
    27. I didn’t say we should kill him. = Someone else said we
      should kill him.
    28. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I am denying saying it.
    29. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I implied it / whispered it /
      wrote it down.
    30. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I said someone else should
      kill him /you should kill him, etc.
    31. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I said we shouldn’t kill
      him / we must kill him, etc.
    32. I didn’t say we should kill him. = I said we should take him
      to dinner /take care of him / send him on a diving holiday.
    33. I didn’t say we should kill him. = We should kill someone
      Unit 3
    34. The saint said to me, “Why do you not go to the temple
      (a) The saint said to me that why I did not go to the
      temple daily.
      (b) The saint asked me that why I did not go to the
      temple daily.
      (c) The saint asked me that why I do not go to the temple
      (d) The saint enquired of me why I did not go to the
      temple daily
    35. My friend said to me, “Where do you go daily?”
      (a) My friend asked me where I went daily.
      (b) My friend said to me that where I went daily.
      (c) My friend told me that where I went daily.
      (d) My friend asked me that where I go daily
    36. She said to me, “I thank you for the help you have given”
      (a) She told me that she thanked me for the help I had
      (b) She thanked me for the help I have given.
      (c) She thanked tome for the help I have given.
      (d) She thanked me for the help I had given.
    37. She said to me, “I shall forgive you.”
      (a) She told me that she will forgive me.
      (b) She told me that she was going to forgive me.
      (c) She told me that she will not forgive me.
      (d) She told me that she would forgive me.
    38. He said to me, “ I don’t believe you.”
      a. He decided not to believe me.
      b. “I don’t believe you’’ he said.
      c. He said he not believe me.
      d. He told me that he didn’t believe me.
    39. He requested her to accompany him.
      a. He said to her, “Please, come with me.”
      b. He says, “Please come with me.”
      c. He says, “Let her come with me.”
      d. He said, “You have to come with me.”
    40. He said,” I clean my teeth twice a day.”
      A He said that he cleaned his teeth twice a day.
      B He said that he cleans his teeth twice a day.
      C He said that he used to clean his teeth twice a day.
      D He said that he is used to cleaning his teeth twice a day.
    41. He said to them, “Don’t make a noise.”
      A He told them that don’t make a noise.
      B He told them not to make noise.
      C He told them not to make a noise.
      D He asked them not to make a noise.
    42. The teacher said, “Be quiet, boys.”
      A The teacher said that the boys should be quiet.
      B The teacher called the boys and ordered them to the quiet.
      C The teacher urged the boys to be quiet.
      D The teacher commanded the boys that they be quiet.
    43. My friend said to me, “Has your father returned from
      A My friend said to me that my father has returned form
      B My friend asked me if my father had returned from
      C My friend told me that his father has returned from
      D My friend enquired me if his father has returned from
    44. He said, “Where shall I be this time next year?”
      A He asked that where should he be that time next year.
      B He wondered where he should be that time the following
      C He contemplated where shall he be that time the following
      D He wondered where he would be that time the following
    45. Rajesh said, “I bought a car yesterday.”
      A Rajesh said that I have bought a car the previous day.
      B Rajesh told that he had bought a car yesterday.
      C Rajesh said that he had bought a car the previous day.
      D Rajesh said that he bought a car the previous day.
    46. The employer said to the workman, “I cannot pay you
      higher wages.”
      A The employer told the workman that he could not be paid
      higher wages.
      B The employer forbade the workman that he could not pay
      him higher wages.
      C The employer forbade the workman to pay higher wages.
      D The employer warned the workman that he cannot pay him
      higher wages.
    47. My cousin said, “My room-mate snored throughout the
      A My cousin said that her room-mate had snored throughout
      the night.
      B My cousin told me that her room-mate snored throughout
      the right.
      C My cousin complained to me that her room-mate is snoring
      throughout the night.
      D My cousin felt that her room-mate may be snoring
      throughout the night.
    48. He asked his teacher, “Need I read this chapter?”
      A He asked his teacher whether there was a need to read that
      B He asked his teacher whether he needed to read this chapter.
      C He asked his teacher if it was necessary to read this chapter.
      D He asked his teacher if he had to read that chapter.
    49. He said, “What a beautiful scene!”
      A He said that what a beautiful scene it was.
      B He wondered that it was a beautiful scene.
      C He exclaimed what a beautiful scene it was.
      D He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful scene.
    50. He said, “I saw a book here.”
      A He said that he saw a book here.
      B He said that he saw a book there.
      C He said that he had seen a book here.
      D He said that he had seen a book there.
    51. He said to me, “What time do the offices close?”
      A He wanted to know what time the offices close.
      B He asked me what time did the offices close.
      C He asked me what time the offices close .
      D He asked me what time the offices did close.
    52. Pinki said to Gaurav, “will you help me in my work just
      A Pinki asked Gaurav if he would help her in her work just
      B Pinki questioned to Gaurav that will you help me in my
      work just now.
      C Pinki told Gaurav whether he will help her in her work just
      D Pinki asked to Gaurav that will he help her in her work just
    53. Sarita said to me, “I will do it now or never.”
      A Sarita told me that I would do it then or never.
      B Sarita told me that she would do it now or never.
      C Sarita told me tht she will do that now or never.
      D Sarita told me that she would do it then or never.
    54. She said to him, “Why dont you go today?”
      A She said to him that why he dont go today.
      B She asked him if he was going that day.
      C She asked him why he did not go today.
      D She asked him why he did not go that day.
      Q21. The tone of your emails should beA. Very aggressive
      B. Can be rude if it is not a client
      C. Bossy and rude if you are writing to junior collegues
      D. Polite and assertive
      Q22. Proofreading emails before hitting send isA. Can be done sometimes
      B. Not important
      C. A best practice
      D. Waste of time
      Q23. The email signature must capture all necessary contact
      A. No
      B. It is not important
      C. Sometimes
      D. Yes. Makes it easier for the recipient to reach out to you.
      Q24. While setting up an appointment on email, you should
      A. Leave it open ended
      B. Never mention date and time
      C. Sometimes mention a date and leave it at that
      D. Recommend a date and time and request confirmation
      Q25. How should the subject line be
      A. Long and descriptive
      B. Short and precise
      C. A greeting
      D. Does not matter
      Q26. Good Morning Mr. Thomas” is an example of a
      Q27. What does BCC stand for?
      A.Behind Carbon Copy
      B.Business Copy Carbon
      C.Blind Copy Copy
      D.Blind Carbon Copy
      Q28. When sending a paper, the best way to email it is to send
      an attachment.
      Q29. The Subject Line is used for:
      A.Writing the email message
      B.Giving a brief description of the email
      C.Homework Assignments
      Q30. Dear Mrs. Smith,
      I will b l8 for class. pleaze tell me wat i missed. thank u.
      Joe Schmo
      Which rule is being broken in this email?
      A.Don’t use slang or abbreviations
      B.Use a greeting
      C.Sign off with your full name
      D.Be careful when replying

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