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    Ambiguous Grammar Automata Theory Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

    Automata Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Ambiguous Grammar”.

    1. A CFG is ambiguous if
    a) It has more than one rightmost derivations
    b) It has more than one leftmost derivations
    c) No parse tree can be generated for the CFG
    d) None of the mentioned
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    2. Which of the following are always unambiguous?
    a) Deterministic Context free grammars
    b) Non-Deterministic Regular grammars
    c) Context sensitive grammar
    d) None of the mentioned
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    3. A CFG is not closed under
    a) Dot operation
    b) Union Operation
    c) Concatenation
    d) Iteration
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    4. Which of the following is an real-world programming language ambiguity?
    a) dangling else problem
    b) halting problem
    c) maze problem
    d) none of the mentioned
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    5. Which of the following is a parser for an ambiguous grammar?
    a) GLR parser
    b) Chart parser
    c) All of the mentioned
    d) None of the mentioned
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    6. A language that admits only ambiguous grammar:
    a) Inherent Ambiguous language
    b) Inherent Unambiguous language
    c) Context free language
    d) Context Sensitive language
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    7. Which of the following is an example of inherent ambiguous language?
    a) {an|n>1}
    b) {anbncmdm| n,m > 0}
    c) {0n1n|n>0}
    d) None of the mentioned
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    8. State true or false:
    Statement: R->R|T T->ε is an ambiguous grammar
    a) true
    b) false
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    9. In context to ambiguity, the number of times the following programming statement can be interpreted as:
    Statement: if R then if T then P else V
    a) 2
    b) 3
    c) 4
    d) 1
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    10. CFGs can be parsed in polynomial time using__________
    a) LR parser
    b) CYK algorithm
    c) SLR parser
    d) None of the mentioned
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