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    DPDA and Context Free Languages Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

    This set of Automata Theory Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “DPDA and Context Free Languages”.

    1. Context free grammar is called Type 2 grammar because of ______________ hierarchy.
    a) Greibach
    b) Backus
    c) Chomsky
    d) None of the mentioned
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    2. a→b
    Restriction: Length of b must be atleast as much length of a.
    Which of the following is correct for the given assertion?
    a) Greibach Normal form
    b) Context Sensitive Language
    c) Chomsky Normal form
    d) Recursively Ennumerable language
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    3. From the definition of context free grammars,
    G=(V, T, P, S)
    What is the solution of VÇT?
    a) Null
    b) Not Null
    c) Cannot be determined, depends on the language
    d) None of the mentioned
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    4. If P is the production, for the given statement, state true or false.
    P: V->(V∑T)* represents that the left hand side production rule has no right or left context.
    a) true
    b) false
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    5. There exists a Context free grammar such that:
    Which among the following is correct with respect to the given assertion?
    a) Left Recursive Grammar
    b) Right Recursive Grammar
    c) Non Recursive Grammar
    d) None of the mentioned
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    6. If the partial derivation tree contains the root as the starting variable, the form is known as:
    a) Chomsky hierarchy
    b) Sentential form
    c) Root form
    d) None of the mentioned
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    7. Find a regular expression for a grammar which generates a language which states :
    L contains a set of strings starting wth an a and ending with a b, with something in the middle.
    a) a(a*Ub*)b
    b) a*(aUb)b*
    c) a(a*b*)b
    d) None of the mentioned
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    8. Which of the following is the correct representation of grammar for the given regular expression?

    a) (1) S → aMb
    (2) M → e
    (3) M → aM
    (4) M → bM

    b) (1) S → aMb
    (2) M → Mab
    (3) M → aM
    (4) M → bM

    c) (1) S → aMb
    (2) M → e
    (3) M → aMb
    (4) M → bMa

    d) None of the mentioned
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    9. A CFG consist of the following elements:
    a) a set of terminal symbols
    b) a set of non terminal symbols
    c) a set of productions
    d) all of the mentioned
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    10. A CFG for a program describing strings of letters with the word “main” somewhere in the string:
    a) -> m a i n
    -> | epsilon
    -> A | B | … | Z | a | b … | z

    b) –> m a i n
    –> A | B | … | Z | a | b … | z

    c) –> m a i n
    –> | epsilon
    –> A | B | … | Z | a | b … | z

    d) None of the mentioned
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