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    Java MCQs ( Multiple Choice Questions ) with Answers - Set I

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     Java MCQ's  with Answers

    set I

    Q1. Java has its origin in

    a) C programming language

    b) PERRL

    c) COBOL

    d) Oak programming language

    Answer is d) Oak programming language
    Explanation :
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    Q2. Java programs are

    a) Faster than others

    b) Platform independent

    c) Not reusable

    d) Not scalable

    Answer is b) Platform independent
    Explanation :
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    Q3. Which one of the following is true for Java

    a) Java is object-oriented and interpreted

    b) Java is efficient and faster than C

    c) Java is the choice of everyone.

    d) Java is not robust.


    Q4. Java servlets are an efficient and powerful solution for creating _________ for the web.

    a) Dynamic content

    b) Static content

    c) Hardware

    d) Both a and b


    Q5. The command javac is used to

    a) debug a java program

    b) compile a java program

    c) interpret a java program

    d) execute a java program


    Q6. Which of the following is not a Java features?

    a) Dynamic

    b) Architecture Neutral

    c) Object-oriented

    d) Use of pointers


    Q7. Which of the following option leads to the portability and security of Java?

    a) Bytecode is executed by JVM

    b) The applet makes the Java code secure and portable

    c) Use of exception handling

    d) Dynamic binding between objects


    Q8. Native-protocol pure Java converts _________ into the _________ used by DBMSs directly.

    a) JDBC calls, network protocol

    b) ODBC class, network protocol

    c) ODBC class, user call

    d) JDBC calls, user call


    Q9. Which is the root class of all AWT events

    a) java.awt.ActionEvent

    b) java.awt.AWTEvent

    c) java.awt.event.AWTEvent

    d) java.awt.event.Event


    Q10. OOP features are
    i) Increasing productivity ii) Reusability
    iii) Decreasing maintenance cost iv) High vulnerability

    a) i,ii & iv

    b) i,ii & iii

    c) i, ii & iv

    d) none of the above


    Q11. _________ is used to find and fix bugs in the Java programs.

    a) JVM

    b) JDK

    c) JDB

    d) JRE


    Q12. Filters were officially introduced in the Servlet _________ specification.

    a) 2.1

    b) 2.3

    c) 2.2

    d) 2.4


    Q13. break statement is used to
    i) get out of method ii) end a program
    iii) get out of a loop iv) get out of the system

    a) i & ii

    b) i,ii & iv

    c) i & iii

    d) iii


    Q14. Evaluate the following Java expression, if x=3, y=5, and z=10:
    ++z + y - y + z + x++

    a) 24

    b) 25

    c) 20

    d) 23


    Q15. Which package contains the Random class?

    a) java.util package

    b) java.lang package

    c) java.awt package

    d) java.io package


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